A Reputed National Level Development Bank
A Subsidiary of one of the reputed national level development bank licensed by Securities Board of Nepal for carrying out the business of merchant banking/capital market services, hereby invites applications from dynamic, competent, self-motivated, enthusiastic, energetic and passionate Nepalese citizens interested to pursue their career for the following position:
Department Head
Department: Corporate Advisory & Compliance (AM/DM Level)
Required No.: 1
Qualification: CA/ACCA/CFA (preference will be given to the candidates having LLB degree)
Department: Research, Investment/PMS (Upto AM Level)
Required No.: 1
Qualification: At least Bachelor’s degree in management with finance specialization or CA/ACCA/CFA
Experience: Minimum 3 years work experience in related field
Age limit: Should not exceed 35 years as on 28th June, 2024.
Associates (Jr. Assistant to Supervisor)
Department: Marketing
Required No.: 1
Qualification: At least Bachelor’s degree in management preference will be given to the candidates having marketing/digital marketing experience)
Department: Compliance
Required No.: 1
Qualification: At least Bachelor of Laws
Department: Finance/Accounts & Planning
Required No.: 1
Qualification: At least Bachelor’s degree in Accounts/Finance or semi-qualified CA/ACCA/CFA
Experience: Minimum 1 year work experience in related field
Age limit: Age Should not exceed 3 years as on 28th June, 2024.
Interested candidates meeting the above criteria may mail their application with CV to hrd.capital001@gmail.com latest by 28th June, 2024 before close of office hours.
Selection Process/Service Conditions:
Shortlisting shall be incepted upon receipt of application and the shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview to be undertaken by the Company’s Recruitment/Selection Committee.
The company reserves the right or accept any application or cancel the vacancy or modify the qualification as above at any time without assigning any reason whatsoever.
Source: Abhiyan Daily, 14 June 2024