Administration Assistant cum Receptionist

  • Full Time
  • Bhaktapur
  • Applications have closed

Website Swisscontact


Swisscontact established in 1959 in Switzerland, is a leading partner organisation for the implementation of international development projects. The organisation promotes inclusive economic, social, and ecological development to make an effective contribution towards sustainable and widespread prosperity in developing and emerging economies.

Swisscontact, registered as an International Non-Governmental Organisation in Nepal, has been operating since 1991 and is currently implementing six development programmes across all seven provinces of Nepal.

The Nepal Vocational Qualifications System Project (NVQS-P) is a bilateral initiative between the Government of Nepal and the Government of Switzerland. It is implemented by the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT)/National Skill Testing Board (NSTB) at the federal level and by the Ministries of Social Development/Education in the provinces. The project is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation SDC. Swisscontact provides Technical Assistance to the project on behalf of SDC.

NVQS-P plans to hire an Administration Assistant Cum Receptionist thus, invites applications from qualified candidates (Nepali citizens).

Administration Assistant cum Receptionist (01 – Bhaktapur Based)

Required Education, Experience, and Skills:

  • Bachelor’s degree or higher in a relevant field or any other related discipline.
  • Minimum of two years of work experience in a relevant field.
  • Strong commitment and experience in providing support to the team in promoting gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) and in implementing GESI-sensitive approaches in all aspects of work.

Application Procedures:

Interested candidates who meet the above requirements are requested to visit our website at for a detailed job description and submit Job Application Form through an online portal.

The deadline for submitting applications is 31st December 2024.

Swisscontact Nepal will not entertain any phone inquiries or other solicitations for this position. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the selection process. Swisscontact Nepal reserves the right to reject any or all applications.

Swisscontact Nepal promotes workforce diversity and applies positive discrimination to candidates from discriminated groups (Women, Dalit, Janajati, Madhesi/Terai, and other minority communities).

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