Website Alternative Energy Promotion Centre
Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) is implementing Clean Cooking Solution (CCS) Project supported by Green Climate Fund (GCF) in the 22 districts of Terai region of Nepal. The project aims to promote clean cooking solutions namely electric cookstove, tier 3+ improved cooking stoves and domestic biogas plants in one million households in partnership with Local Levels. CCS Project of AEPC is seeking application from qualified, energetic and self-motivated Nepali citizens meeting the eligibility requirement mentioned in the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the following positions.
Position: Financial Management Officer
Number: 1
Work Station: Project Implementation Unit, Kathmandu
Position: Procurement Officer
Number: 1
Work Station: Project Implementation Unit, Kathmandu
Position: Energy Officer
Number: 2
Work Station: Project Implementation Unit, Kathmandu
Position: Province Coordinator
Number: 4
Work Station: Provincial Project Management Unit, Province
Position: Province Energy Officer
Number: 4
Work Station: Provincial Project Management Unit, Province
Interested candidates may download the ToR for the task from AEPC website: www.aepc.gov.np for the further details. The project staff will be selected on the basis of qualification, relevant experience and capability to carry out the assignment. Selection of the candidates will be done based on short listing, written test and interview. Candidates from female, marginalized, minorities and disadvantaged groups are highly encouraged to apply. Salary and benefits will be as per project operational manual of CCS Project.
Interested and eligible candidates are required to submit the application along with Cover Letter, CV, Copies Citizenship, academic and experience certificates to the office of AEPC, Mid-Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal by Hand/Courier/Email on or before 05:00 PM on 17th November, 2023.
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation
Alternative Energy Promotion Centre
Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu
Phone: 01-4498013, 01-4498014
Website: www.aepc.gov.np
Email: info@aepc.gov.np
Source: The Himalayan Times, 18 October 2023