Cluster Project Coordinator

  • Full Time
  • All Nepal
  • Applications have closed

Website Federation of Community Forestry Users Nepal


To address this issue Federation of Community Forestry Users Nepal (FECOFUN), a formal national network of Community Forest User Groups (CFUGs) established in 1995 to promote and protect the rights of community forest users through advocacy, capacity building, and economic empowerment. It also aims to ensure good governance and institutional development of CFUGs; Green Foundation Nepal (GFN) is a non-profit oriented organization established in 2012 with main focus on promoting e social entrepreneurship; and Center for Indigenous Peoples’ Research and Development (CIPRED) established in July 2011 with an initiation of a team of professionals representing different indigenous groups in Nepal having core values based on the principle of working for and with the Indigenous Peoples, Women, Youths and Local Communities on the issues of climate change, education, natural resource management, good governance, protection and promotion of Indigenous Peoples’ traditional knowledge, cultural practices, health and traditional skill based entrepreneurship development implementing the project called “Securing and Deeping the Community Forests Rights in Nepal through Local Governments and Coordinated Local Actions” since July 2020 has been working across the selected municipalities in Nepal to ensure and secure the rights of communities and Indigenous Peoples over forests and land resources. The overall objective of the project is to facilitate local governments, forest communities, and IPs to secure community forest rights for better forest governance, livelihoods, and community-based forest enterprises through sustainable management of forests. The project is funded through the International Land and Forest Tenure Facility (TF) Sweden. So, to secure the IP and LCs rights through sustainable management of forest effectively, we announced following positions:

Cluster Project Coordinator (s)

Location: The Cluster Project Coordinator is a field-based position of Federation of Community Forestry User Group Nepal (FECOFUN) at seven provinces of Nepal. The Cluster Project Coordinator directly reports to the Central project staff and National Project Coordinator.

No of Positions: Few

Key Tasks and Responsibilities:

The Cluster Project Coordinator will be responsible for the following tasks during the implementation of the Tenure Facility project in Nepal.

  • Plan, execute, and support in implementation of activities in consultation and coordination with the Local as well as District FECOFUN chapters and local government.
  • Responsible for facilitating, drafting, and implementing the local forest law and CF Operation Guidelines within the working municipalities.
  • Provide technical support to Community Forest Users Group (CFUGs) in preparing, and amending operational plan and constitution.
  • Analyze the inventory data and prescribe appropriate harvesting and management plans.
  • Facilitating and Capacity Building of IPLCs in identifying and developing the forest-based green enterprise thereby leveraging the funds from the local Municipalities.
  • Responsible for ensuring understanding and capacity on relevant laws, indigenous forest management activities, and sub-decrees especially to IP&LCs, Marginalized groups, women, and youth by accomplishing the objective aim and outcome.
  • Implements progressive monitoring and evaluation of project activities and capacities of communities through a regular communication and interaction with project’s target beneficiaries and partners, including local authorities.
  • Regularly gather all the pertinent data and create a synthetic report.
  • Regular entry and update of Community Forest Data on Community Forest (CF) Data Portal System at online and offline mode.
  • Regular communicate with the local community about the program’s purpose, objectives, and goal-working methodology, and let the liaison and implementing office know if there are any conflicts or problems.
  • Knowledge about Gender equality and social inclusion and GESI Justice.
  • Well coordination and collaboration skill with local governments and other stakeholders
  • Undertake other appropriate tasks as assigned by the supervisor

Qualification and Experience Requirements:

  • At least Bachelor Degree’s in Forestry.
  • At least one years of proven experience conducting training and workshops in sustainable natural resource management, Forest inventory, and Community Forest operational plan preparation.
  • Knowledge of forest-based enterprise promotion, resource mapping, tenure rights, CFUGs, and IPs rights.
  • Excellent leadership and interpersonal communication skills
  • Fluency in written and spoken Nepali and English
  • Know the concept of Community Forest, Constitution, and Operational plan.
  • Excellent computer skills in Microsoft Office and activity as well as program report preparation
  • Excellent facilitation and coordination skills to engage and encourage government officials, development workers, CFUGs, IPs, and other experts and involve them in IPs and LCs rights and issues
  • Willing to travel in the field and remote area

Application Submission Deadline (6th January, 2025)

Eligible and interested candidates are requested to submit the following documents to demonstrate their relevant qualifications and experience (in single PDF file):

  • Updated Curriculum Vitae
  • Motivation letter mentioning the province willing to work and expected salary.
  • Bachelor’s Degree Certificate or above
  • The application should be sent to the FECOFUN official email: by 6th Jan, 2025.


  • Application should be submitted within 15 days, which is count from the published date.
  • Please mention the willing provinces you are applying for at the subject of the email.
  • Women, Dalits, Indigenous People (IPs) and marginalized people will be given high priority.
  • Telephone calls will not be entertained.

FECOFUN reserves all rights to qualify/disqualify application with or without providing any reasons.

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