Environment Officer
Educational Qualification: Master Degree
Project Duration: Four Years (September 2023- August 2026)
About the organization
Center for Research and Sustainable Development Nepal (CREASION) is a not-for-profit organization that was established in 2005. Since it was founded, CREASION has been a leader in environmental protection in Nepal through recycling, research, emergency response, grass-roots and circular economy related interventions. CREASION also houses innovative, impact-based projects as well as a learning center for youth. CREASION’s work is majorly centered around four thematic areas; Environment and Sustainability, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Youth and Volunteerism.
About the project
Green Shift: Circularity of Plastic Waste for Net-Zero Carbon Nepal project is funded by the European Union to promote the circular economy. This is a four year-long project will be implemented in Madhesh Province, Lumbini Province, and Bagmati Province through the lead partner CREASION and consortium partners Restless Development Nepal, and Youth Innovation Lab (YI-LAB). The main goal of this project is to promote circular economy by establishing strong plastic waste collection and recycling mechanism, promote plastic alternative products and engage key stakeholders in policy advocacy.
Purpose of the Role
Environment Officer will work closely with the Project Lead and Project Management Team (PMT) to promote plastic waste management and reduction for a just transition towards Circular Economy and engage key stakeholders to advocate for inclusive and evidence-based policies for the promotion of Circular Economy. Environment Officer will ensure timely implementation of the activities: Strengthened capacity of waste enterprises for plastic waste collection and recycling, Opportunities created for businesses to develop sustainable plastic alternative products to support the transition to CE, Alliance of WWs strengthened for their inclusion in policy making process, Formulated SWM policy guidelines at local and provincial level and a recycling policy at federal level through the engagement of CSOs and youths.
Roles and Responsibilities
Research and monitoring
- Conduct baseline research in the project provinces – Bagmati, Madhesh and Lumbini to identify stakeholders (waste enterprise, CSOs of waste workers, public schools)
- Develop questionnaire, matrix, analyze data, and present findings to the PMT in selection of waste enterprises, CSOs of waste workers and public schools
- Work closely with Project Lead, MEARL officer, and PMT to monitor program progress and achievements. Identify key issues, lessons learned, and best practices to document and publish.
- Strengthening of the existing private waste enterprises
- Develop Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for smooth operation of waste enterprises, machineries
- Organize occupational safety trainings to waste enterprises
- Lead advocacy campaign for the recognition of waste workers at national level
- Ensure regular communication and coordination with partnered waste enterprises in monitoring of waste recovery, and development of reports
- Empowering waste workers through CSOs
- Develop guideline/matrix for selection of CSOs of waste workers, fund distribution, and programs for the CSOs
- Ensure the overall coordination and networking with CSOs of waste workers
- Prepare a detailed work-plan of CSOs of waste workers in line with the approved proposal, plan, budget, and logical framework.
- Conduct capacity development trainings, organizational development trainings, workshops, conference, strategy development for the selected CSOs of waste workers in the project province
- Facilitate CSOs of waste workers in the formation, and registration of CSOs
- Facilitate the CSOs of waste workers in integrating with Nepal Circularity Alliance, International Alliance of Waste Pickers and National network of Waste Pickers and support in the constitution development
Coordinating and networking
- Maintain close coordination and contact with partnered provincial and municipal governments and coordinate for MoU signing with the concerned governments.
- Coordinate regularly with local government solid waste/sanitation/environment division, expert and Climate Smart Fellows and provide them needed guidance.
- Prepare brief project updates and monthly financial reports
- Submit narrative progress reports and financial reports on the agreed timeline
- Submit the annual report at the end of each project cycle
- Collect and compile learnings, good practices, and case studies from the field
- Participate in the monthly meeting of the project implementation team
- Compliance to policies, rules/regulations, and guidelines
- Adhere to CREASIONs organizational policies, procedures, regulations, and guidelines
- Ensure that the organization and donor’s compliance are met
Qualifications/ Requirements:
- At least 3 years of relevant professional work experience
- Master’s degree (or equivalent) in environment science, environment engineering, natural resource management, sustainable development, social science, developmental studies and other related fields.
- Strong verbal and written communication skills (English and Nepali)
- Strong strategic and analytical ability
- Good knowledge of social media and website management
Skills and competencies:
- Ability to develop and maintain coordination and contact with partnered Provincial and Municipal governments.
- Ability to work in a result-oriented, multi-tasking, and multi-cultural environment with a strong sense of initiative, discipline, and self-motivation.
- Sensitivity to the needs and priorities of disadvantaged populations (minority groups etc.)
- Attention to detail, ability to follow procedures, meet deadlines, track progress, and work independently and cooperatively with team members
- Ask for feedback, willingness to learn, and seeks opportunities for personal development
- Advance skill in using Computer and IT, and good experiences in using the digital platform.
- Prior experience of working with EU funded project would be a plus
The contract duration is 42 months estimated to start as early as possible.
We promote workforce diversity and highly encourage all interested applicants, especially young and young professionals including those who identify as women and indigenous community members/minority caste groups, to apply.
Submit an updated CV and Cover Letter to jobs@creasion.org before 10th October 2023. Call +977-9802343995; 01-4540085 for other required information.