Website HEARD Nepal
Individual Consultant
Project title: Strengthening Disaster Resilience of Barju Rural Municipality, Sunsari, Nepal
Supported by: Barju Rural Municipality and HEARD Nepal.
Position title: Individual Consultant
Experience: 3+ years
Report to: Program Manager and Founder President of HEARD Nepal.
Duration: 35 days
Location/Based: Provincial Office Biratnagar, Koshi Province and 90% field visit at Barju Rural Municipality, Sunsari, Nepal.
Health Nutrition Education and Agriculture Research Development Nepal (HEARD Nepal) is registered in DAO Saptari, Regd. No: 1761/077/78 as a Non-Governmental Organization under the Registration of Institutions Act 2034 BS. It has been affiliated with the Social Welfare Council, Kathmandu with Affiliation No: 52601) PAN No of HEARD Nepal is 615996712). Provincial office at Kathmandu, Bagamati Province & Biratnagar 03, Morang, Koshi Province Nepal.
Disaster Risk Reduction is a core element of disaster management, and includes prevention, mitigation and preparedness. For development activities to be sustainable, communities must understand the hazards around them and learn how to reduce their disaster risk. HEARD Nepal encourages the building of disaster resilient communities by improving our capacity to deliver DRR and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) program across the countries where we work as well as participating in external and internal networks at all levels to share good practices, and coordinate and collaborate effectively to strengthen the resilience of those we serve.
Scope of Work:
A short-term consultant support from independent DRR expert based in the organization can contribute to achieve this objective. This support will be utilized in assessing capacity gaps and building staff capacity, support preparing tools for DRR specific assessment, DRR supporting technical input in the proposal writing including the disaster preparedness for the foreseeable disaster in country like, floods and landslide. This consultant will also oversee and guide the DRR specific project staff and focal point person for the project implementation and other organizational compliance. With this background information, the main purpose of DRR consultant is to conduct an organizational capacity assessment with respect to DRR, finalize the DRR framework that will feed into the technical program and project model and build the capacity of HEARD Nepal staff on DRR mainstreaming process/tools into program design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The specific objectives are:
Capacity building for Local Government and HEARD Nepal staff on essential DRR concept and mainstreaming approach
- DRR Technical implementation guideline.
- Support on the project implementation specifically on including the NDRR project wrap up.
- Lead on the disaster preparedness for foreseeing specially on flood and landslides
The detail methodology of development of Local Disaster Risk Reduction Strategic Plan of Barju Rural Municipality will be proposed by the consultant and approved by HEARD Nepal. The Consultant shall follow participatory approach and work in close coordination with concerned local disaster management committee (LDMC), local elected representatives, DRR focal persons of palikas and other concerned stakeholders/DRR wings. Briefly, the consultant shall follow the below process but not limited to:
- Literature Review
- SWOT analysis and anticipation in specific hazard mapping
- Technical working group formation and mobilization
- Interaction, consultation workshops, meetings, Risk assessment and Mapping, FGDs and KII’s with palika representatives, target groups and relevant stakeholders
- Documentation and final reporting
- Detail Implementation plan, checklist, field plan and schedule after meeting with Palika and HEARD Nepal Organization.
- Inception report of palika level
- Draft sharing workshop report
- Final Disaster Risk Mapping, Vulnerability Assessment report of Barju Rural Municipality, Sunsari.
Eligibility criteria of consultant:
- Minimum Bachelor’s in disaster management, environmental science and relevant field
- District/local level training facilitation experience in DRR, Climate Change, and Resilience;
- Three years of working experience with NGO, I-/NGOs related to DRR/M and humanitarian sector;
- Previous experience in development of local disaster risk reduction strategic plan of action Proven record of developing DRR related plans, manuals, and guidelines; and policy
- Demonstrated analytical and research skills in the field of Disaster Management/Emergency Response;
- Strong communication, documentation, reporting, and presentation skills.
Consultant – individual are required to submit the following documents:
- Submit to Technical proposal, which includes objectives and method with detailed timeline.
- Personal CV and cover letter of professional personnel proposed for this project
- Interested candidates should submit the all details mentioned above through vacancy@heardnepal.org can be submitted by COB 15 March, 2024 date.
Duration and time frame:
The duration will be of approximately 35 working days starting from 25 March, 2024. This is inclusive of days of preparation and reporting.
The consultant will need to finish all assigned tasks by 29 April 2024.