Project Workers
Vacancy for Project workers in the NERC-project
Job description
The ‘Strengthening Nutrition Education and Research Capacity in Universities in Nepal (NERC)’ project is funded by the HEP-programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. The Finnish partner is the Unit of Health Sciences (HES), Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University, Tampere. The Nepalese partners from Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, include 1) the Central Department of Public Health (CDPH), the Institute of Medicine, and 2) the Central Department of Home Sciences (CDHS), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
This project aims to improve the capacity for nutrition education and research in Nepalese universities in an inclusive and working-life-relevant way by 1) building a new valid electronic Nepalese dietary database that can be used together with suitable dietary software for calculating the dietary intakes of people in Nepal, 2) strengthening the skills of nutrition teachers, students and working dietitians/ nutritionists to collect more valid data on food consumption and dietary intake of people in Nepal, and to analyse the data using the new dietary database and dietary software, and 3) renewing teaching contents and methods on courses related to food security and the sustainability of food systems.
The main tasks of the two project workers are to build a new, electronic Nepalese dietary database and to train other users to use the new database and dietary software in Nepal. The phases of the database work include identification of recipes that need to be calculated, calculation of the dietary contents for those recipes, import of the recipes to dietary software and validity checks for the database. The project workers will also participate in keeping contact with stakeholders, renewing nutrition related courses at Tribhuvan University, arranging training sessions for nutrition teachers and nutritionist in Nepal, and doing other project-related tasks.
- A master’s degree in the field of nutrition or public health
- Good written and oral communication skills in English and Nepali
- Familiarity with the Nepalese food culture
- Readiness for some travelling between Finland and Nepal
- Good planning and time management skills
- The ability to work independently as well as collaboratively within the project group.
Desirable knowledge, skills and experience
- Nutrition-related work experience and studies
- Understanding of nutrition research methods.
We offer
The position is full-time, and it will be filled for fixed-term periods of approximately 6 months at the time. The contract may be continued until the end of August 2026. The work will commence on as soon as possible. The salary will be based on both the job demands and the employee’s personal performance in accordance with the Tribhuvan University Salary System. A trial period of six months applies to all new employees.
How to apply
Please send your application to Tarja Kinnuman, the Finnish project coordinator, by email (tarja.kinnunen@tuni.fi). The closing date for applications is 5th March by 4. 00 pm. Please write your application and all the accompanying documentation in English and attach them in the email in PDF format.
Please attach only the following documents to your application:
- A letter of motivation (max 1 page)
- Curriculum vitae (including a list of publications, if any)
- Copy of your degree certificate including transcripts of all university records and their English translations
The shortlisted candidates will be interviewed on 6th or 7th March.
For inquiries:
tarja.kinnunen@tuni.fi or neeti2020@gmail.com/msgyawali.aruna@gmail.com
Source: The Kathmandu Post, 28 February 2024