Prolink Teck Solution Pvt Ltd
Team Lead – Customer Service (Call Center)
- Qualifications sufficient to perform the job role – insert as applicable
- Experience in this type of job role – insert as applicable e.g. minimum 2 years
- Experience of customer service governance
- Understanding of customer service management obligations, requirements and dynamics
- Ability to assist in customer service management and control
- Leadership with ability to motivate a team
- Project management skills
- Ability to work under pressure
You need to have and maintain (with regular training and updates as necessary) the knowledge, technical skills and qualifications that are necessary to perform your job role to comply with the requirements of the organisation and any applicable rules, regulations (particularly of any professional body) and with any law which applies to your job role.
Responsibility to staff and direct the team :
- Assist with the responsibility for the customer services development, performance and maintenance within the organisation
- Meet your targets and those of the team as a whole
- Efficient running of the team
- Contribute to training and development of the team
- Achieve maximum profitability and growth in accordance with organisation plans