Website UN-Habitat
Project Coordinator
Cities 4 Women: Inclusive and Climate Resilient Urbanization in Nepal Integrating Gender Sensitive and Climate Resilient Urban Planning for Sustainable Cities
Terms of Reference (TOR)
DUTY STATION: Lalitpur with frequent visit to Project area (Lamki Chuha)
FUNCTIONAL TITLE: Project Coordinator
DURATION: 1 Year with possibility of extension
SUPERVISOR: Habitat Programme Manager (HPM), UN-HABITAT Nepal
United Nations Core Values: Integrity, Professionalism, Respect for Diversity
Organizational Context:
The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-Habitat, is the United Nations agency for human settlements. It is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable communities, towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all. In collaboration with governments, UN-Habitat is charged with promoting and consolidating collaboration with all partners, including local authorities and private and non-government organizations in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 11, which seeks to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.
UN-Habitat has been supporting the government of Nepal and its people since the 1980’s in various areas of human settlements and urban development. It established its office in Kathmandu in 2006 and provides support in the areas of water and sanitation, shelter and land, slum upgrading, green development climate change and urban mobility.
Project Background:
The Government of Nepal (GoN) has made strong commitments to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and meet the international commitments to promote inclusive and sustainable development by 2030. Aligned with SDG and the national priorities, the UN system in Nepal has jointly prepared with the Government of Nepal the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2023 – 2027. Also, with the Ministry of Urban Development (MOUD) in the lead, GoN has committed to the New Urban Agenda (NUA) for ensuring inclusive and sustainable development of the cities towards achieving the SDGs.
Nepal is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change, facing increasing number of landslides, flash floods, extreme heat events, and droughts. Rapid urbanization, coupled with unplanned municipal infrastructure development, exacerbates climate risk and vulnerabilities, disproportionately affecting disadvantaged groups, particularly women and girls. Hence, it is critical that the urban development in Nepal needs to ensure no one is left behind in accessing the benefits, opportunities and services provided by the cites.
The project, “Cities 4 Women: Inclusive and Climate Resilient Urbanization in Nepal Integrating GenderSensitive and Climate Resilient Urban Planning for Sustainable Cities”, aims to increase the demand for gender-responsive climate-resilient public spaces, generated as proof of concept through enhanced urban planning and design capacity of municipalities. The project will engage with multi-stakeholders: communities, academia, professional bodies, government officials, and policymakers to build a collaborative effort for institutionalizing gender and climate responsive planning, budgeting, implementation, and monitoring at the national and municipal levels and document the best practices and learnings of wider replication.
The project draws on the collective expertise of UN-Habitat, UNOPS and Cities Alliance, to jointly implement the project along with other stakeholders at the national and local levels. The project will focus on delivering four outcome areas:
- National and Local governments follow a gender sensitive and climate resilient approach in their urban planning and budgeting processes.
- Municipal women officials have leading roles in including women’s voices in local planning and budgetary processes for gender and climate responsive development.
- Municipalities in Nepal have increased number of gender sensitive and climate resilient projects in their planning process.
- Municipalities and national knowledge institutions jointly collaborate in generating and sharing knowledge on participatory and inclusive urban planning and gender and climate sensitive initiatives.
Duties & Responsibilities:
The Project Coordinator will work with and under direct supervision of the Habitat Programme Manager (HPM) of Nepal, and overall supervision as required from the UN-Habitat Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP). The incumbent will work collaboratively with the partners (Donors, UNOPS, Cities Alliance, Municipal Teams) of the project. The incumbent will collaborate and coordinate with the team of experts (Urban Governance, Climate Change, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI), Municipal Planning and Governance), government counterparts (Federal and Local) and municipality team engaged by UN-Habitat and will be responsible for the overall implementation of the project, quality assurance and timely delivery through undertaking day-to-day work underlined in the following key responsibilities:
- Guided by the overall project document, develop annual and overall workplan, budget including its execution and monitoring.
- Support to manage a multidisciplinary team in the project (Expert consultants, Donors, UN-Habitat and UNOPS/Cities Alliance), ensuring cooperation and collaboration for the smooth implementation of the project activities.
- Coordinate with Ministry of Urban Development (MOUD), relevant government agencies (Federal, Province and Local), NGOs, CBOs, Organizations of People with Disabilities (OPDS), community groups and other stakeholders, and facilitating consultation meetings.
- Coordinate and monitor the work of the project team at the national and municipal levels, for smooth implementation of the project, day-to-day planning and communication for delivery of outputs.
- Technical support to the project team on collection, collation and documentation of project database and ensure availability of latest information for informed decision making by the project management team.
- Provide technical support to the municipality officials, through the project team, in the selected municipalities to operationalize measurement, reporting and verification of city level indicators and indices pertinent to the project on climate and gender responsive policies and development plans.
- Support the Communication Officer to prepare various knowledge products at the national level, in coordination with the stakeholders and contribute to preparing similar products at the regional level for adequate visibility guided by the donor’s guidelines.
- Timely prepare monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and annual progress reports in coordination with the Project Manager, HPM and designated Expert, for donors and government reporting.
- Coordinate with M&E Officer on monitoring and reporting on the to ensure quality services and outputs are delivered within the agreed upon time frame.
- Conduct regular meetings with project team to take stock of project implementation and
integrate cross-cutting issues such as Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA), vulnerability, gender, social inclusion, human rights, etc. - Coordinate and support activities for project evaluation and audit including implementation of the recommendation.
- Perform any other assignments, as requested by the Habitat Programme Manager in consultation with the ROAP’s Human Settlement Officer.
Education: Master’s Degree (5 years of working experience) or Bachelor’s Degree (with 7 years of working experience) in Urban Planning, Gender Studies, Development Studies, Rural Development, Social Science, Economics or related field.
Knowledge, kills and Competency
- Professionalism: Preference will be given to those with experience in inclusive planning and development; Experience of inclusive planning, local governance, climate change related project will be an additional asset; An established track record in project management of similar nature; Good human relations skills, especially the ability to relate to a wide range of team members and partners; Progressive thinking, ability to work as part of a team and also to achieve work outputs with limited supervision, and a pro-active, energetic and innovative approach to work;.
- Teamwork: Able to work both independently and as part of a team and establish harmonious and effective working relationships both within and outside the organization. Ability to establish and maintain effective partnerships and working relations in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity. The candidate needs to have experience of working with multiple stakeholders including government, civil society and other partners.
- Planning & Organizing: The candidate should be able to develop clear goals that are consistent with the agreed strategy; able to adapt to a new task and work context quickly and finish all duties within the given timeframe.
- Client orientation: Experience in working with government institutions at national and local level is an advantage. Capable of working in a team and undertaking initiative to ensure smooth relations and open communication within the team and with partners is required. Professional and courteous attitude and demonstrated ability to work effectively in a stressful environment.
Years of Experience
- At minimum of five (03) year’s progressively responsible experience in urban sector, project management and implementation.
- Working experience in the field of municipal governance, urban planning, climate change or related issues and cross-cutting issues such as Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) and Leaving No One Behind (LNOB) are assets.
- Experience of working with the government stakeholders at the national level and the local government in the new federal structure.
- Expertise in analyzing data using statistical software. Experience in GIS tools is considered an additional asset.
- Experience in designing tools and strategies for data collection, analysis, and production of reports.
- Good understanding of current urban development, climate change, GESI related policies of the Government of Nepal
- Training & facilitation skills are desirable.
- Experience of working with United Nations system and other international organizations will be considered as an advantage
- Excellent command (written and spoken) in English and Nepali language is required.
Computer skill
- Good knowledge of computer applications including MS Word, MS Excel and Power Point
CLICK HERE to download the detailed job description of the post.
Submission of Application
- Completed UN Personal History Form (P11). Download from https://unhabitat.org.np/career/career-detail/p11-form.
- A Statement of Interest and suitability (a cover letter) for the position.
- All applications should be submitted on careers@unhabitat.org.np.
- Indicate the position title in your e-mail subject.
- Please note that applications received after the closing date stated below will not be given consideration. Only short-listed candidates whose applications meet the above criteria will be contacted for an interview. In line with UN-Habitat policy on gender equity, applications from female candidates will be particularly welcome. UN-Habitat regrets its inability to reply individually or attend to telephone queries on the advertised posts.
Note: The post is subject to local recruitment. (Open to Nepalese Citizens Only)
Workforce diversity:
UN-Habitat is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality, and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.
Persons with disabilities can request reasonable accommodation to enable participation in the recruitment process. Requests for reasonable accommodation should be sent through an email to unhabitat.nepal@unhabitat.org.np
UN-Habitat has zero tolerance towards sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA), sexual harassment and other types of abusive conduct (i.e., discrimination, abuse of authority and harassment). All members of the UN-Habitat workforce have a role to play in promoting a safe and respectful workplace and should report to UN-Habitat any actual or suspected cases of SEA, sexual harassment, and other types of abusive conduct. To ensure that individuals with a substantiated history of SEA, sexual harassment or other types of abusive conduct are not hired by the Organization, UN-Habitat will conduct a background verification of final candidates.
Deadline for applications: 29 FEB 2024
To apply for this job please visit unhabitat.org.np.